What are the application areas of ultrasonic cleaning machines?
Ultrasonic cleaning machines are widely used in the surface spraying treatment industry, mechanical industry, electronics industry, medical industry, semiconductor industry, watch and jewelry industry, optical industry, textile printing and dyeing industry. The specific applications of ultrasonic cleaning machines in other industries are as follows
1、 表面噴涂處理行業(yè):(清洗的附著物:油、機械切屑、磨料、塵埃、拋光蠟)電鍍前的清除積炭、清除氧化皮、清除拋光膏、除油除銹、離子鍍前清洗、磷化處理,金屬工件表面活化處理等。不銹鋼拋光制品、不銹鋼刀具、餐具、刀具、鎖具、燈飾、手飾的噴涂前處理、電鍍前清洗。
1. Surface spray coating industry: (cleaning attachments: oil, mechanical chips, abrasives, dust, polishing wax) Cleaning of carbon deposits, oxide skin, polishing paste, oil and rust removal, pre ion plating cleaning, phosphating treatment, metal workpiece surface activation treatment before electroplating. Pre coating treatment and pre electroplating cleaning of stainless steel polished products, stainless steel cutting tools, tableware, cutting tools, locks, lighting fixtures, and hand decorations.
2、 機械行業(yè):(清洗的附著物:切削油、磨粒、鐵屑、塵埃、指紋)
2. Mechanical industry: (cleaning attachments: cutting oil, abrasive particles, iron filings, dust, fingerprints)
Removal of rust proof grease; Cleaning of measuring tools; Oil and rust removal of mechanical components; Engine, engine parts, gearbox, shock absorbers, bearing shells, oil nozzles, cylinder blocks, valve bodies, carburetors, and cleaning of automotive parts and chassis before painting, rust removal, and phosphating; Cleaning and unblocking of filters, piston accessories, and filter screens. Precision mechanical components, compressor parts, camera parts, bearings, hardware parts, molds, especially in the railway industry, are very suitable for oil and dirt removal of train carriage air conditioning, rust prevention, rust removal, and oil removal of various components in the front of the train.